Privacy policy


In accordance with the provisions of the Law 29/2021, of October 28, Qualified Personal Data Protection Act (LQPD) and the Decree 391/2022, of 09-28-2022, approving the Regulation implementing Law 29/2021, of October 28, Qualified Personal Data Protection Act, we inform you that your personal data collected through the “Contact Form” will be processed by the Data Controller, whose details are:


Data Controller: ABAST GLOBAL, S.L.

  • NRT: L-714444-T
  • Address: Passeig Arnaldeta de Caboet, 11, 2nd floor, door 1, (AD700) Escaldes-Engordany, Principality of Andorra.
  • Phone: (+376) 737 837
  • Email: [email protected]


Your data will be processed for the purpose of managing the user’s request and/or inquiries. If necessary, we will contact you by email or phone. The processing of this data is based on the user’s consent.

Your data will not be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation. The provided data will be kept for a maximum period of 12 months. You are specifically informed that ABAST GLOBAL does not make automated decisions based on this type of data.

Likewise, we remind you that you have the right at any time to access, rectify, and cancel your personal data, as well as to object to the processing of this data in the manner and with the limitations provided by law, to request the limitation of processing, or the portability of the data, by contacting the Data Controller via email at [email protected]; or the Data Protection Officer via email at [email protected], or by regular mail.

The user’s right to file a complaint with the Andorran Data Protection Agency (ADPA) is also reminded in case they consider that any of their rights under the current legal provisions have been violated.