Importing a vehicle to Andorra can be an excellent option for those moving to the Principality or looking to take advantage of the country’s tax benefits. However, this process involves a series of requirements and procedures that must be fulfilled to ensure a successful import. In this article, we explain everything you need to know about importing your car to Andorra, from the requirements and costs to the benefits of carrying out this operation.

Requirements for Importing a Car to Andorra

To import a vehicle to Andorra, it is essential to meet a series of requirements set by local authorities. These requirements are designed to ensure that imported vehicles comply with the country’s environmental and safety regulations.

1. Vehicle Age

New residents wishing to register their car in Andorra must ensure that the vehicle is no more than 5 years old from the date of manufacture. If you want to import a used car, it must be no more than 6 years old. Additionally, the car must meet the European emissions standard “Euro 5” at a minimum.

2. Left-Hand Drive

In Andorra, cars must have the steering wheel on the left side, which excludes the possibility of importing right-hand drive vehicles, typical of countries like the United Kingdom or Japan.

3. Required Documentation

The following documentation is required to carry out the import:

Costs Associated with Importing a Car

Importing a car to Andorra is not free and involves a series of costs that are important to consider before starting the process. The main expenses are as follows:

1. Import Tax (IGI)

The General Indirect Tax (IGI) for vehicle imports in Andorra is 4.5% of the car’s market value. If the car was purchased or manufactured outside the European Union, an additional 10% fee will apply.

2. Vehicle Registration Cost

The vehicle registration process in Andorra costs approximately €200, while license plates cost around €60.

3. Personalized Plates

Andorra allows the possibility of obtaining personalized license plates, although at a high cost. The price of these plates varies between €300 and €6,000, depending on the chosen combination. Additionally, an annual fee of €200 must be paid for their maintenance.

Procedure for Importing a Vehicle to Andorra

The process of importing a car to Andorra must be completed within 6 months after obtaining residence in the country. It is essential to meet this deadline to avoid legal issues or unforeseen additional costs.

1. Step 1: Import Application

The first step is to submit the import application to the Andorran customs authorities. This application must be accompanied by all the documentation mentioned above.

2. Step 2: Payment of Fees

Once the application is approved, the fees corresponding to the vehicle import, including the IGI and, if applicable, the additional fee for cars from outside the EU, must be paid.

3. Step 3: Technical Inspection

The vehicle must pass a technical inspection in Andorra to verify that it complies with safety and emissions regulations. This is a crucial step before proceeding with the car registration.

4. Step 4: Vehicle Registration

Finally, the car must be registered in Andorra. This includes obtaining license plates and the “carta groga,” which is the vehicle’s title of ownership in Andorra.

Benefits of Importing a Car to Andorra

Importing a car to Andorra can offer several advantages, especially in terms of taxes and convenience. Below are some of the most important benefits:

1. Low Taxes

The IGI in Andorra is significantly lower than the taxes applicable in countries like France or Spain, where taxes on the purchase of new cars can reach 20% or more. This makes Andorra an attractive place to acquire or import a car.

2. Access to a Wide Network of Dealerships

Andorra has a network of dealerships offering a wide range of new and used vehicles. This facilitates access to after-sales services and ensures that the cars are adapted to the country’s climate conditions, especially for winter.

Final Considerations

Importing a car to Andorra can be a wise decision, but it is crucial to be well-informed about all aspects of the process. From technical and legal requirements to costs and benefits, each step must be carefully planned to avoid complications. If you have any doubts or need assistance, it is advisable to contact a specialist in vehicle imports in Andorra.

In conclusion, importing a vehicle to Andorra is an accessible process as long as the requirements established by the authorities are met. Additionally, the tax benefits and quality of the local automotive market make this option very attractive for those looking to settle in the Principality.

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